So if you're like me, you may tip a few over the holiday season (OSU-Michigan game thru New Year's Day thru the College Bowls thru NFL Playoffs thru March Madness).
I was wondering how many calories *someone* would be consuming in adult beverages.
The math I used:
2 drinks per hour on a day with family/friends/football games.
So how many calories over the end of Nov thru New Year's Day?
Light estimates show 21,146 if one drank High Life Light.
Light estimates show 14,560 if one drank 45 proof Bourbon (Maker's Mark, of course).
I did an excel spreadsheet...Really.
Whiskey over Beer yields about a 7,000 calorie savings. If you've ever seen *someone* drink whiskey, it usually isn't pretty. Could lead to violence, theft, arson, divorce, etc.
Wonder how fast *someone* would be without these extra calories.
I care not to find out...But if you want to find out how many calories are in your fav bev check this out. It even has mixed drinks.
Here's the beer one.
Happy Holidays. Drive safe.
My Best Beers of 2012
12 years ago
I like how they conveniently provide how many minutes of cycling it will take to burn off each drink.