Sunday, January 18, 2009

Bourbon sux...

Saturday was supposed to be a big day for me.
Even though it was below 20, we still planned on 4 hours.
I was actually looking forward to it in spite of PJs being on the ride but...The neighbors came over Friday night and @9 beers and 3 bourbons later the ride Saturday was a "no go". First Dan and then Trooper Johnny. Bad news.
I used the "its way cold and dangerous to ride today" excuse. It worked but I was pissed I missed the ride. There are really only 4 weekends I have left to get in the big days before racing begins in March (I have meetings, family obligations, etc. which will prevent many weekend rides). Oh well.
Sunday was fun though. Another ride at the Parkway with Bill, Killingsworth, Swope, B. Ford, Steak, and we ran in to Steve out there. Riding with your friends is better than the alternative: riding with yourself. I only hit the dirt once. That ice is "slippy" when you get cocky wit it.
Espresso after at Bills and beers after that at the shop. Matt A was at the shop and said he got the beer guide for Belgium. He seems to think we can find beer worth drinking over there. I sure hope so. Just no bourbon for me over there....That shit hurts.


  1. you didn't miss anything; 4 hours of pain, broken chain and no beer stops.

  2. Nope, all you missed Slacks was the Thirsty Beaver gearing up to kick your ass on every climb come March. Probably in most crits too.


  3. Bring it PJs...Right in to the curb with that 135lb frame of yours.

  4. This week, of all the weeks in our generation, you should be throwing back with Amercican ... BLENDED ... whiskey.
    God bless.

  5. This week, of all weeks, I don't think it matters what you drink. You'll just feel better drunk.

  6. Guess it's your turn to keep the vice industry afloat. Cheers.
