Monday, February 23, 2009

Newsflash: A chick named "Fitchick" is fit and strong...

The week after a Sales Meeting is always tough.
Your body is tired. Your mind fried. Hard to motivate.
I was, however, able to get out with Cush last Thursday for a couple of hours. He is soooooo smart when it comes to routing rides. He took us on tailwind out and headwind back. 35mph headwinds. I had an hour before hooking up with him so 3+ in that shit was neither funny nor fun.
The next day we hooked up for the usual Friday ride from SMC. We decided a mellow route would be good. Head out in to the 30mph winds towards Kutztown, then return with a bitchin' tailwind.
We made a left where we should have made a right and low and behold we were climbing into headwinds. I knew literally 5 minutes in to the ride it was going to "blow". It did.
Acuramatt, PJs, Matt A, and I all suffered at the expense of Fitchick. 3.5 hours. Her "chipper" attitude was all that kept us going. The worst I have felt on a bike in quite some time. I think over 4000 feet of climbing in the wind. Awesome recovery ride...
Everyone on this ride has a blog. Wow. I guess everyone who is a loser and can go for a ride at that time on Friday afternoon also is that same loser who blogs. At least Fitchick and PJs get paid for theirs. I don't. I'm just a loser.
Saturday was 2+ on the road with Kuklic and then some Madison time on the track.
We saw at least 4 other groups of riders out while we were on our ride. Cool thing about the valley. Always people to ride with. Only a total loser would ride by himself on a Saturday in the Lehigh Valley.
The highlight of the road ride was Kuklic grabbing a handful of brake to stop and check out some porn DVD cases thrown on the side of the road. Trannie Porn. Not appetizing at all. They were covers only, no DVDs to Kuklic's disappointment.
The track hurt a bit. We kept it somewhat tame. Not ready for major intensity yet.
Saturday night there was this party...I think I was the most sober person there and made the best decisions. That's scary. There were after-parties and after-after-parties. To protect the guilty, I will go no further.
I'm sure the Facebook photos will surface and tell a story of their own. (photo courtesy of Jamie Livingood)


  1. Seriously, what kind of loser rides his bike by himself?

  2. I don't know what you guys would do without my sunny disposition to keep you warm on those cold windy rides.

  3. "Sat I got a few hours in solo as everyone else had something going on (that didn't include me)"

  4. That was a rhetorical quetion. And I wasn't complaining, I was just stating a simple fact.

  5. I know. But the other person who reads this blog may not read yours and may not get the reference.
    And yes, you were complaining.
    My stickers will be available in 2013.
    Racin' starts Sunday. Finally.
