Sunday, January 25, 2009

A Sunday In Hell (Kinda)

Put in some miles this weekend.
About 5.75 hrs on Saturday with Kuklic, Brad, Bill, Plunkett, PJs, and Rignosh.
Rolled in to the 25mph headwinds for a while then came back. Temps in the mid-20s. Not bad.
When you ride with Kuklic, you're always looking for a Sheetz. We ACTUALLY found one this time and we all pounded coffees, cokes, and schmuffins/schmiskits.
30 minutes later our stomachs hurt and the gas was flowing.
We did decide, on the ride, that Hilary Swank is NOT hot...
Sunday was the Derby. About 15 degrees at game time for this one. Kuklic had some phantom "mechanical problem" which prevented him from rolling. Svatek came over from the East Siiiiide with Billy and LVG (who is going to CX worlds next week).
If it were not for Svatek coming over, I would have bagged this thing. Easy 2 hours on rollers would have been a better alternative for me.
I would say about 40 others were out as well.
Rolling out I knew I was in for a rough go.
I pulled Shenanigans several times and avoided a single pull at the front. I had to. My legs were shot.
Made it almost to the top of the big "hill" and popped. Suck.
Spun the long way home and got in a solid 2 hrs.
A Sunday in Hell. Not really. But this video is of a late 70s movie by that title which covers Paris-Roubaix in 1976. This is part 1 of 11. Enjoy!
The above is a pic of my hip/ass area where I fell on the ice last weekend. Feels great!


  1. Tracy just walked by when this pic was up and said, "Braaaad, is that you? What did you put a picture of your butt up for?" After the explanation, she said "it looks just like yours". I guess we should leave the lights on more...

  2. I was looking at the visitors and your mom has clicked on this pic of my ass over 30 times and sent me more than 10 emails...
