Thursday, December 25, 2008

Lottery Winner! and The Playaz

There was a lottery to win spots on this coveted trip to the Mecca of cycling. I was lucky and was drawn. The limit was 9.
So here they are:
Bill: The leader of this expedition. A host to the coolest backyard bike race series ever and an editor at Bicycling Mag. Great rider and knows where we need to/should go...
Beth: Bill's wife and kickass rider who logs no less than 250 mi/wk in the summer
Taaaaaaaaaylor: Local wrench and coffee barista at South Mountain Cycles. Single speed kinda fella *wink*wink.
Taus: Fulltime Allentown firefighter and one of those guys that says he never trains but kicks your ass. Notorious half-wheeler.
Plunkett: Makes me look like I don't know how to drink. Good cross racer and good dude to stir up $hit at the bars (especially when he knows theres 8 of us behind him)
Pryor: Drinker and U of Florida grad (redundant?). The SEC blows
Kuklic: Track racer who crashes on the road in big road races on $10,000 demo bikes...Nice
Matt A: A beer snob to the fullest extent. I'm sure we can find something over there worth drinking. A cyclocross racer too.
My wife: the "Queen of Schneckeltucky" will, no doubt, keep the pace in the taverns and drive a support van!

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